Never misplace another insurance card It can be challenging to keep track of the various insurance policies Missourians have today. To help residents keep track or their policies and organize their insurance information, the Missouri Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration (DIFP) created the Mo2Go Wallet, an application that stores insurance documents and information on the consumer’s smartphone. Missouri DIFP realizes that when disaster strikes, policyholder’s may not always know where their insurance documents are located. There is always the potential of losing the information or it being destroyed in a disaster. The Mo2Go Wallet has a user-friendly interface that walks consumers through the process of saving pertinent insurance information onto their phones. Missourians can snap photos of their insurance cards, save their insurance company’s and agent's contact information and store all of their insurance information in one place. They also have the ability to share their insurance information through text message and email. For example, parents can use the app to text insurance cards to their children who may be away at school. They can also email pertinent insurance information like insurance cards to their medical provider right from their phone. The department does not store the consumer’s information nor do they have access to it; rather the information is stored directly onto the user’s phone. The app helps consumers organize their information by the four common types of insurance - auto, home, health and life insurance.